Monthly Archives: November 2013

Our visit to Doddington Hall

Here are just a few photographs of different parts of the Hall, at we saw on our visit.

Which was you favourite part of the building?IMG_3300 IMG_3295 IMG_3293 IMG_3286 IMG_3283 IMG_3280 IMG_3276

Our visit to Doddington Hall

Hello All,
Today we have had a super visit to Doddington Hall. We have learnt  all about how people used to live years ago, the things they used and how some have changed compared to what they are like now.

We spent time in the beautiful gardens of the Hall finding out all about it’s different uses.

Keep watching here for some photos of our visit, they will appear shortly!

What was your favourite part of the day? Tell us a fact you learnt about the house or gardens.