Monthly Archives: January 2015

Marvellous at measuring!

Today Miss Guys class wrapped up warm and went outside to explore measuring. Using their ruler they had to find different objects to measure. They had to remember to make sure the start of the object was on zero and measure accurately!





Team work in Maths!

We’ve built an island, we’ve made sure we’ve used an odd number of blue bricks and an even number of white bricks! Do you like our creation?


Our odd and even horseland!

We’ve built a land using different coloured bricks. We had to use an odd number of blue bricks and an even number of white bricks.


My odd and even bricks.

This is my design of odd and even bricks.


Lots more odds and evens!

We built an ocean with a little island, how many odd blue bricks can you find?


Odd and Even!

Today in Maths we had to use the lego to build something that had an odd number of blue bricks and a even number of white bricks! We’ve made a zoo! Can you count to see if we’ve got it right?
